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"You are incredibly professional and honest or the best con in the business."
"Your site is stupendous! Thanks to your pages,
I was able to ask pointed questions of my local bank rep. He wasn't amused."
"You create clarity where elsewhere there is a fog of confusion.
I would recommend you highly and without hesitation to any merchant looking
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Here's What Fellow Merchants are SayingFrom: egarci@reacciun.ve Dear Rob,
Best regards __________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
Hi Rob,
__________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
THANKS! __________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
This is the most impressive site I have ever seen of its kind! Looking forward to digesting your info and contacting you again. ___________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
I have recently been approved by EMS. Unfortunately, I am finding constant differences between what EMS tells me and reality. I am also finding that the information needed to run the ICVerify software has simply not been supplied by EMS and I am having to run around to Discover and Echo to fill in all of these blanks. My rep can't even tell me if we are setup to use AMEX! ___________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
I sure wish I had found you before I got talked into a
poor deal,
Merchants Choice Service swindled me! ___________________________________________________________________ To: merchant@mktmkt.com
An Agent took my $149 application fee, ...and three months later I have just been declined because I am an INTERNET merchant. Can you help me out... I need a merchant ID! ___________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
Hi. Your page on the ins and outs of merchant credit cards gave us a tremendous amount of great information but it was scary as well because it makes you realize the great potential for getting screwed. We have two sites that are ready to go online. I am very anxious to get started. ___________________________________________________________________ To: merchant@mktmkt.com
I am impressed with your approach to the Merchant Card quagmire - your description mirrors what I have found. I think what you're doing (providing the straight talk and education) is really great - it is exactly what a new Merchant Account seeker needs to know. I only wish I'd found your site at the beginning of my search instead of now; the learning curve would have been much less steep! ___________________________________________________________________ To: merchant@mktmkt.com
After a few months of pain and torment, I learned more in ten minutes at your page than I have up to this point. Thanx for putting it all together in such a helpful fashion. ___________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
I really enjoyed your "no-bullshit" web page for merchant accounts. It's quite a difference from all the others I looked at. ___________________________________________________________________ To: delwest@mktmkt.com
OK...Got it..... RJ Delzio/Del West Merchant Services...saved
me about $1000 that I was ready to shell out to one of the other card services
and the equipment leasing!
TO... Merchant Services FAQ - What You Must Know To Establish A Merchant
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RJ Delzio
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